Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Last Schooling Day of Pre-U

Today is my last day of STPM! Last day of form 6 life! Last day of secondary school life! Last day of wearing this pair of school uniform! Finally this day has came. *wink wink* 

Me with my uniform for the last time wearing it. 

But  on today, which I had my last exam, I did the most unforgivable and stupidest thing! 
When I started to answer the question, I pressed the button ON on my calculator. 

"eeee? Why doesn't show anything?" 

I started to get panic. I felt that something bad is gonna happen. Pray hard that it doesn't happen at this f*cking important moment.

I tried again and started to hit it hardly. 


 A real bad thing happened. My calculator ran out of battery at this time! 😭 WTF is all I could say. 

My mind went blank. How can I continue with my malfunctioned calculator? It's Chemistry right now! I can't skip from calculating! 

So I started to calculate by using the most basic formula and simply estimated the figure. *luckily I estimated correctly* I don't even dare to read through the questions on essay part. And if it consisted of three questions which required calculation, I swear I would just crying on spot instead of answering the question. And thanks God it only had one question with calculation required. I've no choice but to eliminate this question from my choices and I did the remaining two, even they were hard. 

Fortunately, it's not happen during Maths exam or else everything I learnt is useless. 

Lesson learnt : Bring calculators as more as you can.

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