Hmm~ Is it too long for me to abandon my blog ? Ya! Indeed! I don't even hope it to happen, but still it was caused by some technical reason. That's my internet was having some stupid stuff! Ish!!! However, I can online as usual now! Weeeee~!!! o(^o^)o
The days without some blogging really really really agonize!! I wonder why, so much of crazy things happened on me! Harassment was the one!! I hate it!!! It makes me feel so persecute! And I hate those people asking me "WHY WHY WHY"!!! Is it there's a need to tell everything I did, and why I did? I'm not yours, until I'm your GF of something else~ and REMEMBER> YOU ARE ONLY MY FRIEND! A NORMAL FRIEND! Please! please don't even try to harass me with those kind of stupid method! You know, it was so DIGUSTING! * sry, i can't find any better word to describe you*
What I want, just a peaceful secondary life~ I wonder why I can had a happy moment while I was small last time, play happily, study happily, no stress no worriment~ How good that was! I wish I could find back my childhood life, but it is quite impossible to happen. Depressed~~U___U
These days are holiday. HOLIDAY? Hmm~ It should be a happy holiday for everyone, but, for me, BORED, LAME, MEANINGLESS. BORED with nothing can do since can't online and blogging, LAME with sms-ing with the bastard, MEANINGLESS with all-day sleeping and staring at the hp. =o=!!!
Dating? Ya, there's quite many dating waiting for me, but, is it possible for me to attend all of that? Dangerous may be the 1st issue. Second, I don't know them well. Third, hmmm~ I don't hope to go out with a stranger friend. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth.....* haven think out of them~but there's will be*
Friends? Ya, knew fews friends these days, and suffer from bankrupt--> money run out while my hp credit running out. I was so sure that I lost at least RM30+ for my hp credit! Arghhhhhhh!~~o(>o<)*o
Ok, that's was just a part of the feeling~
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