Saturday, May 8, 2010

Talent Competition

Today, as all the connaughtians know, today is the "Connaught's got talent" competition, which is oganized  by the English Society~ Our class representative who are Jolynn, Ruoling, Ah Bu, Laichee, and Aaron, and also his brother, Eric, had chosen to enter the finals which held today. To support our class participants, we had bought the cardboard to do a BIG BIG supporting board. Yesterday, I just saw 1 supporting board, but today when I came to school, suddenly appeared another 3 boards~WOW~~ These were the things we can do for the participants, since we can't help them any further. ( for the pictiure review, pls refer to LWS's fb soon^^because I didn't bring phone and capture...TT)

When I came to school, I ask Chee saw my eyes whether got any special on it. She watching at me and said, " Got what?"
after a moments,
You wear cont ah?"
" ya, got different?"
"A bit la, wait! You wear one side oni?"
"haha~yaya~ I can't wear another one, can't put in although I tried so many times~"
Then, I went to toilet to wear another side of the cont. Keep on trying, at last I did it~ Woooots~~^^
But, I felt so pricking in my eye. Chee said it will become better later. But I keep on flowing out tears, when I saw Jo, she said nevermind one, but I still can't control my tears flowing out, and my eye became a bit reddish. Later saw Leng, she said I most probably wore it upside-down, so I tried to take it out again and wear it in a right position. Put in easy, take out tough. So you might guess it where I had try so many times again to take it out. At last, wore it in a right position, and feel better~Phiuuu~=3=

When the competition is going to start, everyone have to take their own chair from their class to the hall. The chairs for all the classes were plastic chairs, except 4s1 and 4s2, they are having WOOD chairs! So heavy!!! And have to take a heavy chair to the hall, you can imagine how terrible was it???!!
The competition started, and soon it was our class participants' turn. Our class shouted like a crazy fellow~ Too high~ keep on taking the supporting board high high and shouted " Aaron!!!"," Jolynn!!!" " 4s2!!!"~ I think there are so many people wan "BU" us already lor~haha~ Whatever...It was deserve since we were so high today~
Then, it was Jeremy's turn, who are from 4s1. Wow~so many supporters~ Everyone cheered for him~ As truly, his performance(robot dance) was so awesome~(sry 4s2, i'm not betrayer~) The crazy YAC, who are sitting behind, was too HIGH!!! Until got someone throw paper on him~Deserve! haha~ anyway, i just can say that the competition was so successful and really entertaining!
Although we can't win the competition, but we still won a " Best Supporting class"~^^

Later, we took photos in class and also outside the class(at the field there). (Waiting for LWS uploading~)
After recess, was BM period. As all of us know, it was impossible for us to concentrate on what are the teacher is teaching there. So, I took out the add-maths workbook and ask my friends to help me to solve the questions that I can't solve. As a results, all of them seems like can't solve them, so we ask the "Xiao Bin Bin" in our class, also the genious in our class. Exactly, he did it, in just around <5minutes. No wonder is genious.>,<
It seems like the time for the school dismiss. We went out and saw everyone has gone! We rushed out, and Ann found that her van has gone. Chee, Xuan and I ran quickly,madly~ Luckily my bus still at there, but it is going to leave. Luckily my uncle saw me and stopped for me. As I board up, everyone stared at me, so fish~~=,= What a day it was~><

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