Friday, May 28, 2010

Youth'10 + Times Square one day walk~

As we came to PWTC~
We met Wei Xian and "Pin Tou Fa"(Joshua L), and asked them to do as our bodyguard, and also our photographer~
Our bodyguards, but why seems like they walk infront of us? Omg, become our tourist guide ady o~xD
We all were resgistered for the new Xpax number~mine new number is, 0163241206~contact me with dis number and I will reply you next month~wakaka~xD
Photography~when I saw this, I think of my EOS 550D~TT and I kept seeing it appeared around me~owh~I sosososo miss you~>O<
Our hands with blur stamp~(me,xj dear,jojo dear,laichee d, rock ruo ling, leng and chee~)
Our legs with different shoes~
This 3 guys were taking photo for competition~xD
Daddy played Rubiks~
Watch awesome Magic~Wow~@,@
With my two dear dear~
The alien? or the terminator? I wonder, I just know, he was so yeng ler! I want go take picture with him de lo, they all stopped me~TT BB lo~
In the LRT~
It was quite bored to stay in the Pwtc, so we have decide to go to Times Square~!^^ Woooots~But we wonder how to take LRT to there, somemore 'pin tou fa' dem already went there, without waited us~so we have took a big risk to take LRT, and also crossing roads~>,<

When we have reached the stop in Jln Hang Tuah, they said still have to take monorail, but Times Square seems like just not far from here, so I asked them to walk~We have walked for abt 500m~anyway, it's good for diet~wakakaka~xD and at last, we reached. Want go Times Square? Ask me! I'm very pro~! too many times went there~haha~xD
Fish and Chips~We all share this and Pattaya Rice as our lunch~No! i should say Tea Time~coz it was already 4pm~xD
See the lens and u'll found that the lens was extremely HUGE!!! Owh~I think of my EOS 550D again~TT

1 comment:

~~wei qi~~ said...

no ask me go.. >.<