Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lame message for you all but important message for me

Today, we stayed back for the meeting of ping pong club. Actually we can leave straightaway after taking the attendance, but seems like our bus are going to leave, and we don't want chase bus like a 38,so we stayed anyway. Then they said "daddy" is with his X, my stepmother. We quickly rushed to him, but seems like 'daddy' has forgotten his daughters, left us behind and walked so fast. 'daddy', do you know your daughters were sobbing behind you? T_T Bad daddy~haizzz~ ooops~ we also have left Ann in the toilet. Sorry Ann~ I dance 'sorry sorry' for you~ wakakaa~XP 
Then Suddenly, leng said," Y~Y~tel me Y~ " my head appeared so many question marks~ together with Ann and Chee too~At last, I know what is she going to tell. : D  A quite lame message is going to notice me~
We walked a long journey, just to have our lunch at Maideen. But at there, only me and Ann ordered food. Why? 'Daddy' > meet his X, see her also full already.(no eye see~= =) Chee > sore throat, what also can't eat~ Xuan > her lunch is waiting for her in her house~ Leng > "I don't want~" she said. Me, my mother didn't cook for me~ so I have to settle myself lor~

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