Saturday, February 6, 2010


Crazy with friends~

as we know,
the students from Oman, Arab will come to our school~
all of us decide to bring handphone to school~( me almost everyday oso bring lar~)
Is it a big risk?
I don't think so~( me brave liao~? @.@)
Then take photos in class~
Together Played 'Sorry Sorry' with CK's , Leng's, Kam Wah's and my phone~
"KEK SUI" orh~
Some fast, Some slow~
at last, CK's and Kam wah's can play it "kek sui' liao~haha~

the students from Oman came~
We thought that they are wearing the black black clothes~
when we saw them~
wear T- shirt wor~
and wear SUNGLASSES!!!
Then the funny kam wah said,
" Eh, Poh ying~ U better don marry to them lar~"
" = =lll"
Lame dao~~

Then when recess time~
We went to buy burger and french fries~
yummy yummy~ hot hot~
we all went to our class and ate~
like open party~^^

these were also the ppl ate in class~^^
(right: Kam Wah, Wei Qi, CK, Ruoling, Sandy~)


nice view of my french fries~^^

xuan and leng~(happi bday ya leng~although i noe i had said so many times~haha)
sapo and Ann~
(Ann must will scold me...too clear liao my camera...snapped her pimples together...lazy to edit la, Ann...haha)
when we ate dao "SHUANG SHUANG",
the Kam Wah suddenly shouted at me,
"Poh Ying, ur future husband is at outside!!!"
"come come come! U see outside der..."
(so many question marks above my head...)
" Neh, the Oman students ah...U wan the fat fat one or the tall tall one??"
All of us keep laughing oni...haha^^ 

we had our caligraphy competition in hall~
there was no any tables and chairs provided for us~
bad luck lor~
I tried so many times just to suit myself in a comfortable seat~
This was because I can't write it properly if I just sit as usual~
Then "Daddy" told me that the Oman Principal so admire my sitting pose leh~
Coz too YENG + GENG~^^
(i got the photo~ but don let u all see~ haha~)
My works~^^
take 2~
in hall~
(right-handside that Kam Wah dono wrote how many times liao~still wrote~lol)
our works~^^
take 2~^^
take 2~blur~
Kam Wah's work~^^ wrote so many times~Lol
the longest...^^
YENG leh??? me very pro as a photographer liao...
maybe i should make a mind to become a photographer...Lol

to give lEng a big big surprise as her birthday present...
We decided to sing birthday song when finish taking the SUPER photo...
almost everyone in the school sang together...
(lEng...Sorry ya...I don't have any malice to do it de...
U lor, Who ask u to give me a EXTREMELY BIG SUPRISE for me when my birthday last 3 days? oiyo...
I juz give it back to u oni la..haha^^)

Quite happie...
coz my caligraphy work had been chosen..
maybe got present...
sounds like ANGPOW leh....
(not SOS...)

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